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Welcome to My Blog! Being a parent of two incredible children and having a supportive and loving partner makes me feel blessed.

Embarking on the path of a entrepreneurship comes with its unique challenges.

My adventure began with specific aspirations. When I first decided to launch my blog as an entrepreneur, my main objectives were to:

– Bid farewell to my traditional job, in time.

– Devote more quality time to my family.

– Initiate various projects from the comfort of my home.

Honestly, I was navigating uncharted territory. I sifted through endless YouTube tutorials, but nothing seemed to ignite my creativity or offer guidance – only endless lists, categories, and confusion. Success felt like a distant dream. But determination led me to connect with other bloggers and entrepreneurs online, and it has been a game-changer. The inspiration flowed, ideas blossomed, and hope was rekindled.

That spark ignited my journey and brought me to where I am now!

Join me as I navigate the path to living the dream and feel free to share, like and follow me on Pinterest.

Here’s to your success!

Valerie A.